Wednesday 3 April 2013

White walls + windows

We've back-dated this post to when it should've been done .. and are 100% blaming Garden Week (one of Jules' clients that completely took over all our lives for the past few months!).

The white set plaster has been applied to all the walls, which has given the interior a much more 'real' feel.

The exterior has also had a first undercoat in preparation for the coloured render - which won't be done until near the end.  Lucky, because we are still undecided on the colour!

The glass has been fitted to the windows and doors.  And so, we've hit a major milestone - LOCK-UP!  Thankfully it doesn't mean we can't go in and see what's happening - our builder Jason has given us the code to the temporary front door lock, so we are visiting as frequently as ever!

We're grateful for that - as one of many things we've learnt through the building process is that everything has to be checked, double-checked and spoken up about if not right - or forever hold your peace!


No shortage of entertainment for the kids!

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