Friday 26 April 2013

More internal work

After many months of deliberation over our lighting plan, we finally have it sorted and have confirmed where all our lights will be - the photos below show some of the downlight positions.

This has probably been the hardest process for us, as there was so much conflicting advice from lighting suppliers.  Of course they all want to sell as many lights as possible, so it was a balance between what they were recommending and what we felt was right.

We ended up having four different plans drawn up by separate lighting shops and chose what we thought was the most practical from all of them.  A very long and painful process!  And no matter how we approached it, our lighting and electrical budget was totally blown!  :(

Scary part is, we won't know until the lights are switched on if we've made the right decisions!

The internal doors are in place and look great.  We think the high ceilings with the tall doors really work.
The painters have just finished the white undercoat on them.


  The bath is cemented in place and the kids can't wait to test it out.  Not long now guys!

Next will be our (long awaited!) kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and then the tiling.

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