Tuesday 28 August 2012

Slab is down

Before we mention the slab though, it's important to acknowledge the awful work Muz spent the weekend doing to waterproof the brick wall on neighbour David's side.

Here's his finished work, which shows the tiny gap (of just six inches) he had to work in to apply thick sticky bitumen paint to the wall.  He ended up being covered in it - bugger, should've got a photo of that!

Next project is to apply plastic and do the backfill, which thankfully won't be as messy.


We are SO excited to say that the slab went down yesterday.  We threw a few coins in for good luck.  It looks huge, but we're sure we'll end up using every square inch.

There are quite a few shots here, but it is a big milestone, so took a few!

Starting with the street view...




And here's some vision...

This is the end result - photos taken today.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Finally, a fence for Dave!

Our poor rear neighbour David has been so patient with us, waiting for his back wall to be redone after we ripped his fence down to put our pool in.  It's taken much longer than we thought to get to this point, so we are very grateful to have had such an understanding and genuinely lovely man as our affected neighbour.

And, as of today, we have wall!

Muz experienced a day in the life of a brickie (well, sort of) to help our bricklayer Vern do the footings for the wall.  It's 23 metres in length, so it was a big effort!  Here he is showing off his handy work after several hours of digging, barrowing and pouring. 

And here's the AFTER shot taken today.  Vern and his team are about 80% finished here.


The wall has piers and face brick on the other side (neighbour Dave's side), as we will eventually be rendering our side and he won't be, so his side looks lovely - hopefully he's happy and it was worth the wait!

The other exciting development is that the set-out for the slab has been done and the plumbing work etc all layed.  Here are some shots showing how it's looking with the footings dug out.  Because of a sewer line that happens to run close to the back of the house (lucky us!), we also have concrete piling going in.

The slab is now only a day or two away!


Sunday 5 August 2012

Pool is poured

The pool has been concreted and we're pretty happy with how it's looking...

Because of rain at the time of the concreting, the foot ledge wasn't able to be done and so will need to be added separately.  This will run along the length of the pool on left-hand side in the shot below.

After the concrete was left to cure for a week or so, the neighbour's side was backfilled and pencil-compacted.  The other side (adjacent to where the alfresco will go) has been left, as per our builder's request, for him to do as part of the site works.  That should happen this week, then the house slab can go down!

And our poor neighbour, David, will finally get his long-awaited brickwall - we owe him a carton!