Tuesday 28 August 2012

Slab is down

Before we mention the slab though, it's important to acknowledge the awful work Muz spent the weekend doing to waterproof the brick wall on neighbour David's side.

Here's his finished work, which shows the tiny gap (of just six inches) he had to work in to apply thick sticky bitumen paint to the wall.  He ended up being covered in it - bugger, should've got a photo of that!

Next project is to apply plastic and do the backfill, which thankfully won't be as messy.


We are SO excited to say that the slab went down yesterday.  We threw a few coins in for good luck.  It looks huge, but we're sure we'll end up using every square inch.

There are quite a few shots here, but it is a big milestone, so took a few!

Starting with the street view...




And here's some vision...

This is the end result - photos taken today.

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