Tuesday 20 August 2013

Exterior ceilings - work in progress!

While we're not having any timber on the ground, like decking, we are using quite a lot of timber on the exterior ceilings.  It's being done as large ply sheets that will be stained in a deep brown colour.  The expensive way to do this is to use marine ply, but we are doing it a cheaper way by having basic plywood painted/stained onsite.

The timber is being used all along our front verandah and garage eaves, and out the back for the alfresco and most of the back area ceilings.

The carpenters doing the work on this are absolute perfectionists (which we're loving) and are really taking their time (!!!) with the job.  They've been at it for a few weeks now and are still only about halfway through!

Lots of work has been going on inside while they are working on this job outside.  We are nearly there with the house.  We think??!  We hope!

The photos here show the timber unstained, so the finished colour will look different to this - darker and much more brown than orange.

 Front verandah

 Portico entry


 Alfresco side eave - looking in

 Alfresco side eave - looking out

1 comment:

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