Monday 1 July 2013

Lights & Fans

The internal downlights and fans have been installed.  We ended up buying some imported downlights through a friend, which saved us some money, and enough to be able to justify using all LED lighting.  They look good - and hopefully they will actually work when we eventually switch them on!

We've used downlights right throughout the house and will have just one feature pendant light over our dining table.  Probably a bit boring, but we like downlights!  We've put ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, plus the two offices.


Kids' Bathroom

Main Bedroom

Drop-down ceiling over kitchen

Main area (wire hanging down is where the pendant light will go)

We've used three mini downlights either side of the main
living/dining window to project down onto the walls -
in case we can ever afford to hang some nice artwork there.

 One Office

 Other Office


And here's the pendant light we're thinking of having...

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