Sunday 25 November 2012

Cabling in. Colorbond up.

The past few weeks have been so busy - confirming our electrical, cabling and lighting plans, so all the wiring, cabling and conduit could be laid before the roof goes on.  Lots of late nights and deep thought involved.

We followed advice to include more GPOS than we think we'll need.  Easier and cheaper now than later.

This is what has happened over the past week-and-a-half:

>  The electricians cut-in and laid all their conduit and cables;
>  The structured cabling supplier did their part (cabling for data points, antenna, speakers, NBN network etc); and
>  Our good friend Clive installed cables for a security system.

Here's the back wall of the kitchen showing electrical cables.

~ ~ ~

Then the Colorbond went on!  We're really happy with the colour we chose - Shale Grey.  We had originally ordered Surfmist (whiter colour), but changed our minds at the last minute!  We're so glad we did - we think Shale Grey suits the size and style of our roof better and works well with the exterior colour scheme we're thinking of.

The ridge capping is still yet to be done, but here's the work-in-progress...

 Verandah - outside and one taken from inside (with Macey testing it out).

Looking out from the main living area towards alfresco.

Looking in from the alfresco.

 Side view.
 View from backyard.

Wide shot taken from corner of backyard (two shots badly joined together).

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