Sunday 30 June 2013

Exterior Colour

The exterior render is partly done and, after a few initial doubts we had about the colour, we've decided we like it and are happy.  The colour is Vanilla Quake (Dulux Acratex).

We wanted a quite light warm grey and think this colour achieves that.  At first we thought it was too warm and showed a slight pinky tinge when in shade, which weren't sure about.  It is definitely a colour that changes quite a lot in different lights - and we've decided that is not such a bad thing, so are now much more confident with our choice!

Here are a few pics showing some completed parts of the render.  The rest will be finished after the marine ply ceilings are put in along the verandah and garage eaves at the front and the alfresco out the back.  Those areas will have large ply sheets stained in a deep jarrah/mahogany colour.

The first two photos are taken at the front of the house (office window), showing the colour in shade...

The next three photos show the colour in different degrees of sunlight...

Outdoor toilet

Outside main living/dining window

Along right side of house / back of office storeroom window

Monday 10 June 2013

Bathroom Benchtops & Kitchen cont'd...

I'll start with the most boring part ... skirting boards!  They have been fitted to all the areas where carpet will be.  Here they are, unpainted.


The stone benchtops have been installed in the bathrooms and we're really happy with them.  The kids' bathroom is Caesarstone Osprey and our is slightly darker, Caesarstone Haze.  The wall tiles are in place too - here they are minus the grout.


And here's our Ensuite (a bit hard to visualise properly with all the dirt and bits everywhere...)

Ensuite shower - complete with foothole for shaving legs!
(idea courtesy of one of Murray's plumbing clients).


The kitchen is now mostly finished, with the exception of the glass splashback - which will be last and the stone benchtops which are currently being made.  Once the benchtops go on, the cabinets for the side computer nook space will go in (on the far right).  The kickboard on the front side of the island bench is wrong and is being changed to the Moose (grey) colour. Will post some more kitchen photos, including the pantry, when it's all done.

Monday 3 June 2013

Retaining Wall

Since demolition, the dreaded back retaining wall has been sitting there held in place only by the roots of the old trees that live in it.  So it was a big relief for us to get the wall realigned and fixed.  Here are some before and afters...






We had the wall reduced in depth near the pool area, to allow a bit more space at that end of the pool.  The pool equipment area will be bricked in at the left end of this space above.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Floor tiling & start of kitchen

The floor tiling has been done in the bathrooms, toilets and laundry.  Here's how it's looking - excuse the dust and workboot footprints...


Kids' bathroom

Main / kids' WC


Ensuite WC

 ~ ~ ~

The kitchen is nearly finished!!!  Unfortunately the cabinet installer ended up contracting Ross River Virus (of all things!) and so it's had to sit there half-finished for a while.  Here are some work-in-progress pics for now anyway.  Obviously not everything is in its proper place yet (and in case you were wondering, the scribe at the top will be painted white).

Here's a closer shot of our upstand that will sit in front of where the sink is.  We spent a long time tossing up whether to have this or not - and then once we decided we would, there was a colour dilemma.  Now that it's onsite, we love the look of it.  Phew, big relief!