Tuesday 26 June 2012

Why are we waiting?!

Delays delays, before we even begin!  Thankfully it hasn't been because of a building problem, but rather a bank problem - and the snail pace at which they operate!  Thanks to some very poor form by Westpac - despite being a day one customer - our entire plan came slightly unraveled for a while there, forcing us to take our business elsewhere.  Which bank? ... yes, that one :)

We are so pleased to report that we are now back on track.  It's finally action stations at Alsop!

Here's Rami standing in front of where the pool is about to go...

Our lovely rear neighbour David has had to put up with a temporary tin fence - made by Muz and Waz - for a lot longer than anticipated.  No doubt he's looking forward to having his privacy back when the brick wall goes up after the pool.  Promise, only a few more weeks Dave.  Poor guy!